Welcome to the BGE Secondary page.
You will find details of all the programmes and resources on this page.
S1-3 Mental Health and Wellbeing Learning Sessions
We have 6 exciting sessions which were developed for young people in S1-3 focusing on Mental Health and Wellbeing. These were originally released weekly as part of the Mental Health series but each one can be used as a stand alone learning session.
More Info...Health & Wellbeing Chill Space
You can access our Health & Wellbeing Chill Space here. It is suitable for BGE and Senior Phase learners with resources for inspiration, relaxation and wellbeing.
More Info...My Way
‘My Way' is an online video gallery featuring a diverse range of people talking about how they have achieved success in their chosen field. Contributors talk and answer questions about what it is they do, obstacles they may have overcome along the way, and the people who have supported and influenced them. 'My Way' is an inspirational resource, showing that there truly is 'no wrong path' for young people in Scotland today. The format is a brief presentation, followed by questions from learners using the interactive chat function. Sessions are broadcast live here however if you miss any of them they can be viewed on demand afterwards.
More Info...e-Sgoil Big Questions
A set of 20, interactive, IDL and discovery-based learning prompts, curated resources and tasks for use in your classroom both in-person and remotely. The mixed level resources may be suitable for young people working toward the end of Second Level up to Fourth Level of the Broad General Education. The resource is intended as a starting point for you to use in your own practice.
More Info...Robert Burns - Scotland's National Bard
Who was Robert Burns and why is he an important figure in Scotland's heritage and culture? Explore the works and language of the world's most famous poet with a brand-new learning space. The package brings together interactive links, lessons and activities all connected to Scotland's national poet in time for Burns night on January 25th.
More Info...Winter Olympics Learning Space
How sustainable is artificial snow? What are the mountains of Scotland really like up close and personal? Why are Maths and Science so important in snow sports? Find out the answers to these and other wintry questions with our new Winter Olympics-themed interactive resource - created in partnership between e-Sgoil and West OS.
More Info...Gàidhlig / Gaelic
Watch this short video highlighting the Gaelic programmes and resources available through e-Sgoil.
i-Sgoil is a provision which seeks to support learners from across Scotland who have been unable to engage with their local school for an extended period of time. It caters for learners between P2 and S6 allowing young people to re-engage with learning from their ‘safe space’ in a way that avoids many anxiety or sensory triggers. i-Sgoil learners remain on their local school roll and our staff work closely with local school staff to support learners and their families on an ongoing basis.
More Info...
Additional Resources
Please find resources below which were delivered as live events during periods of school closure in 2021.
Bringing Social Enterprise to life
Bringing Social Enterprise to life
Find your inner Gold
Find your inner Gold with Karen Darke, Gold medal-winning Paralympian
DYW Live: Exploring Digital Enterprise
DYW Live: Exploring Digital Enterprise
DYW Live: Who are Young Scot?
DYW Live: Who are Young Scot?
30 minute Fire Up with Gavin Oattes Part 1
30 minute Fire Up with Gavin Oattes Part 1 (for S1-S3)
30 Minute fire Up with Gavin Oattes Part 2
30 Minute fire Up with Gavin Oattes Part 2 (for S4-S6)
How to be more creative
How to be more creative
Will Creativity Skills get you a job?
Will Creativity Skills get you a job?
Your Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
YoungScot and #AyeFeel- Your Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
Looking after your Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
Young Scot and #AyeFeel- Looking after your Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
Your Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
YoungScot and #AyeFeel- Your Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing (REPEAT SESSION)
Looking after your Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
Young Scot and #AyeFeel- Looking after your Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing (REPEAT SESSION)
Education Scotland: No wrong pathway
Education Scotland: No wrong pathway
Education Scotland: Money Smart-Be money savvy
Education Scotland: Money Smart-Be money savvy