Delivery Partner:
Scotland's Enterprising Schools
Curriculum Links: Health & Wellbeing, Numeracy & Mathematics, Social Studies, Technologies |
Suitable Audience: Teacher CLPL - Primary and Secondary |
Start/End Dates: September 2023 to June 2024 |
Timetable Availability: On Demand Monday to Friday |
Number of Sessions: 1 |
Session Duration: 60 Minutes |
Repetition Frequency: As often as required. |
Max Capacity: Unlimited |
A greater depth session exploring the ways in which educators can embed enterprise through these sustainable frameworks and explore the networks available to achieve this.
- Understanding enterprise education
- Where does enterprise link into the curriculum and policy?
- Where does enterprise link into Learning for Sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals?
- Exploring your network of partners in the entrepreneurial ecosystem
DYW Context:
The CPD session links education policies, LfS and skills development. It explores how delivery of IDL can align with skills for life, learning and work, as well as business/self employed career routes.
Other Info:
The course offers collegiate discussion to share best practise in your setting, allowing other educators to share networks and ideas.

How DYW Live Works?: