Delivery Partner:
DYW Live
Curriculum Links: Health & Wellbeing, Skills & Interdisciplinary Learning |
Suitable Audience: S3, S4, S5, S6 |
Start/End Dates: September 2023 - June 2024 |
Timetable Availability: Flexible |
Number of Sessions: 11 |
Session Duration: 50 minutes |
Repetition Frequency: Once per term |
Max Capacity: 10 Classes |
Join us to learn about personal development with a focus on employability. This is broadly split into four areas: Learning to identify jobs that suit you and match your interests Finding relevant jobs that match your skills Applying for those jobs and attending interviews What to do if you're successful and advice on starting your first job.
With support from the class teacher learners can use records of their learning while attending the sessions and the completed activities as evidence to acquire a Personal Development Award at SCQF Levels 4 or 5.
Additional Requirements:
If attending with the intention of learners gaining an award the class teacher will need to ensure the learners are collecting appropriate evidence while attending the sessions and completing all activities. We strongly encourage having a pre-meet with the delivering teacher prior to start so they can explain what evidence is required for learners to achieve an award.

How DYW Live Works?: