Delivery Partner:
Young Enterprise Scotland
Curriculum Links: Health & Wellbeing |
Suitable Audience: S4, S5, S6 |
Start/End Dates: November 2023 to June 2024 |
Timetable Availability: On Demand Monday to Friday |
Number of Sessions: 2 |
Session Duration: 50 minutes |
Repetition Frequency: As often as required |
Max Capacity: 30 pupils per class and no more than 2 classes on one session |
My Money Talks is delivered by the Scotland's Finanical Schools (SFS) team at Young Enterprise Scotland. It consists of two 50 minute workshops called 'Making the Most of your Money' and 'Borrowing'. Students will discuss making positive choices when spending money and learn about the importance of setting and sticking to a budget. They will also identify safe places to borrow from and the impact of debt on mental health. The aim is to improve student confidence in managing their finances before they leave school and be aware of various websites and resources where they can seek further help and advice.
DYW Context:
Financial wellbeing is an essential skill for life, learning and work and has strong links to improving employability choices and opportunities.
Additional Requirements:
Access to mobile phone to allow use of mentimeter and QR codes

How DYW Live Works?: