Delivery Partner:
Young Enterprise Scotland
Curriculum Links: Languages, Numeracy & Mathematics, Social Studies, Technologies, Skills & Interdisciplinary Learning |
Suitable Audience: S5, S6 |
Start/End Dates: August 2024 to July 2025 |
Timetable Availability: TBC |
Number of Sessions: 24 |
Session Duration: 1 Hour |
Repetition Frequency: Annually |
Max Capacity: 20 learners total from multiple schools |
The Young Enterprise Scotland Company Programme is our most immersive enterprise experience which runs over an academic year for S5 and S6 students. Young people learn by doing as they set up a business, assign leadership roles, brainstorm product and service ideas and launch onto the market. We focus on ensuring students develop transferable enterprise skills that they can build on through their next phase after high school.
Students work in teams of 2-32 and there is a bank of online, interactive resources and a Milestone Map to guide their journey. We also aim to match all companies and teams with a Business Mentor to question and support them.
DYW Live is setting up the first ever online cohort for students taking part in the company programme across Scotland. We will be running a company with up to 20 learners from acorss the country.
As an extra incentive for participating in this flagship company, they will not need to pay the company registration fee for the 23-24 academic year and will benefit by having access to Julie and Eloise from YES who organise the company programme as their business mentors in addition to regular support and guidance from DYW Live's Jenni Nelson.
Meetings times are TBC, but It's a flexible programme and any other work can be completed at lunch time, after school or during free periods with your school's permission.
There is an optional, free SCQF Level 6 qualifications that runs alongside the programme which is delivered in partnership with Glasgow Kelvin College. DYW Live will be encouraging and supporting learners to pursue this award alongside the programme.
Milestone 1:
- Establish and justify a baseline skills analysis measurement of individual employability skills.
- Read the YE Company Operating Framework and evaluate the legal implications – Online quiz
- Create a Company Name in line with current legal requirements
- Decide on the business model/ company type (profit making commercial company or a social enterprise) and identify key sustainability business practices – Minute of meeting
- Read and sign the regulatory Memorandum and Articles of Association
- Download the Certificate of Incorporation
Milestone 2:
- Compare the standard and extended organisational structures and agree the proposed structure for the Company model.
- Assess own individual competence against the 9 job descriptions and potential job roles.
- Prepare and present a 1 minute pitch proposal for one or more job roles.
- Agree the Board Structure and individual job roles.
- Describe the Company programme Financial Management Procedures.
Milestone 3:
- Work cooperatively with others to identify potential products and/or services and evidence this.
- Eliminate Business ideas in accordance with the Operating Framework.
- Critically evaluate the potential of the remaining Company ideas.
- Create a short list of 3 product/service ideas and research the potential viability of each based on set criteria and sustainability.
Milestone 4: Business Planning
- Working as a team approve one business idea to take forward.
- Carry out market research for the business idea.
- Create the Company mission, goals and values.
- Complete a Company SWOT analysis.
- Develop a business plan/canvas to achieve the Company vision.
- Raise capital for the Company Business Plan (Fundraising /selling shares- events).
Milestone 5: Launching
- Prioritise and carry out individual tasks for the launching of the Company
- Agree decisions to prepare for the launch of the product or service.
- Source appropriate product or service materials for the Company business idea.
- Raise the fund
DYW Context:
The main aims of the course are to develop transferable enterprising skills which the young people can carry into their next phase of life:
- Communication
- Problem solving
- Financial capabilities
- Risk taking
- Conflict resolution
- Team work
- Planning and organisation
- Confidence
- Initiative
They will also be able to demonstrate practical skills such as:
- Creating agendas and writing minutes
- Creating a profit, loss account and balance sheet
- Setting up and running social media
- Money handling
- Interview skills
- Presentation skills
- Report writing
Additional Requirements:
Webcam and internet access

Expression of Interest
How DYW Live Works?: