Welcome to the BGE Primary page.
You will find details of all the programmes and resources on this page.
Learning Spaces
Scotland's Assembly
DYW Live
The Boy and the Bunnet
Ealain – Gaelic Medium Art Provision
Gaelic Language in The Primary School
National Galleries of Scotland Artist Session
Leugh Le Linda
P7 – S1 Transition Mental Health Sessions
Gàidhlig / Gaelic
French Language Sessions
Learning Spaces
Our Learning Spaces are updated seasonally and are designed to provide playful, engaging activities and provocations for pupils to explore themselves. They are interdisciplinary and can be used in a range of contexts. Click the boxes below to explore.

Scotland's Assembly
Join us for our national assemblies, suitable for P2-7 learners, featuring exciting national partners and key themes from across Scotland’s Curriculum. Details of each assembly will be announced via our social media. You can find out more information and view all Scotland’s Assemblies, including those delivered here.
View Scotland's AssembliesThe Boy and the Bunnet
Join us on a musical adventure learning about Scots language, Scottish traditional music and musical instruments through the magical story The Boy & the Bunnet. This course is now finished but recordings are available here on demand.
View Past RecordingsMisneachd
e-Sgoil's Gaelic Medium Primary staff are currently delivering a specialist programme into Primary Schools across Scotland. The provision is called Misneachd (Confidence). To determine who is eligible to take part, teachers across Scotland identify pupils who they feel would benefit from a more intense period of small group interaction with a specialist teacher. Our staff are happy to help with any curricular areas. Teachers work closely with the child's class teacher to identify what specific need the child has. e-Sgoil staff then develop and deliver content suitable to target these needs.
GoEalain – Gaelic Medium Art Provision
Join our team of art teachers to develop your art skills in a Gaelic Medium setting. The block of lessons also aims to upskill class teachers. The format is online, weekly, 1 hour lessons which last for 1 term. Flexible start dates across the year. Thigibh còmhla ris an sgioba de thidsearan ealain againn gus na sgilean ealain agaibh a leasachadh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Tha leasanan fad teirm ann do sgoilearan ach tha iad cuideachd ag amas air sgilean luchd-teagaisg àrdachadh.
GoGaelic Language in The Primary School
e-Sgoil are pleased to confirm that our Gaelic (Learners) provision for primary pupils will continue in session 2023 - 2024. The (up to) 20-week course covers introductions, feelings, numbers, days of the week, weather, colours, family, pets and animals, the body, clothes, hobbies and activities, food and drink, time, rooms around the home, jobs, school subjects and community. It is suitable for complete beginners of the language and also for pupils with a basic grounding in the language.
GoNational Galleries of Scotland Artist Session
On Thursday 27th January 2022, in partnership with the National Galleries of Scotland, we were joined by artist Morwenna for a live workshop to inspire learner-led creativity this term.
More info...Leugh Le Linda
Thig còmhla ri preasantair telebhisean chloinne Linda NicLeòid airson Leugh ‘s Cluich le Linda – seiseanan-leughaidh Gàidhlig loma-làn sgeulachdan, rannan is geamannan. Gheibh sibh barrachd fiosrachaidh an seo, aon uair ’s gu bheil e air a dhearbhadh. Join children’s TV presenter Linda NicLeòid for Read and Play with Linda – a Gaelic reading session full of stories, rhymes and games. Watch this space for information about session 2023 – 2024 workshops when they become available.
GoP7 – S1 Transition Mental Health Sessions
e-Sgoil have collaborated with mental health experts Headstrong to create some exciting learning opportunities to support learners with their mental health during transition from P7 to S1. These consisted of two live class-based transition workshops and two live family learning sessions. We have packaged all of these learning materials onto an interactive PDF that can be easily distributed and keeps everything in one place. The resources are saved in a range of formats and on different platforms to try to ensure accessibility for all.
More Info...Gàidhlig / Gaelic
Watch this short video highlighting the Gaelic programmes and resources available through e-Sgoil.
GoFrench Language Sessions
Watch back interactive French language sessions from January 2022, featuring French Story Puppets aimed at early 1st level learners, and French STEM, with Richard Talleron, aimed at 2nd level learners. Both are suitable for anybody, with or without experience learning French.
More info...i-Sgoil
i-Sgoil is a provision which seeks to support learners from across Scotland who have been unable to engage with their local school for an extended period of time. It caters for learners between P2 and S6 allowing young people to re-engage with learning from their ‘safe space’ in a way that avoids many anxiety or sensory triggers. i-Sgoil learners remain on their local school roll and our staff work closely with local school staff to support learners and their families on an ongoing basis.
More Info...